Monday, May 9, 2011

We're really tied 2-2 ???

32 shots is way too many, but what are the other options?  Everything the Bulls do on offense hinges on Rose's ability to penetrate and then make a split second decision to shoot or dish.  One problem that is not new is that the Bulls have no other guys to do this.  One problem last night was that no one could hit a shot.  Korver, Deng, and Watson were 6-34.  So, yeah, maybe Derrick shot too much, but when his guys weren't shooting well (and they had a few open looks) seems like we just have to chalk it up to a bad night as opposed to an indictment of the Bulls in general.  I hope.

Boozer was 7-10, but nowhere to be found in crunch time.
God-awful officiating down the stretch, especially the non-call, turned jump-ball when the Bulls were down 6 and it looked like Rose was going to the line to cut it to a one possession game!  Are you kidding?!?

Josh Smith has several screws loose.  Pachulia is flat out dirty.  Joe Johnson is flat out over-payed.

Short of signing a superstar which is beyond a pipe dream, which player would be the best fit at shooting guard?  Jamal Crawford?  I don't think so.  He's Ben Gordon...we've already done that.  Is there a budding Ray Allen?  If so, we need

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