Friday, May 13, 2011

Ahhh, be relevant

On to the Conference Finals! 

To clarify, this time we're talking about the Bulls.  A tad tongue-in-cheek, fine, but in the last calender year, the Blackhawks and Bears have also played in their respective conference's championship game - the Hawks obviously going on to win the Cup last year.  That makes a pretty darn good stretch for Chicago sports.  The New York and Boston teams have a built-in advantage since a large chunk of the talking heads on the various sports shows hail from New York/New England.  The Celtics, Patriots, Yankees, Jets, etc make news whether they're good, bad or irrelevant.  To get discussion on a national stage Chicago teams actually have play to well, which they have for the most part recently.  Some have raised the question in the past about what's the worse scenario for a fan: rooting for a team that always stinks and is never in contention (Cubs), or rooting for a team that's always near the top of the standings but never won the championship (Red Sox, prior to 2004).  Obviously better to have a team that's relevant...and hopefully the Bulls will be for a long time.

...and Skip Bayless is a jackass

full Bulls-Heat discussion coming in podcast form

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