Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Podcast (with some rookie mistakes)

First podcast recorded 1/4/11 with the one and only Mike Davis

I had to due some trimming since I was unaware that there was a megabyte limit to these there's a rather abrupt start with first round NFL playoff talk and ending with ND football 2011 outlook.  I had to delete our UM/Rich Rod talk so I could upload the podcast....oh well.  We'll talk Rich Rod and/or his replacement next week!  There are clearly a few other details that need to be sorted'll work for now.  enjoy!


  1. I cant believe you edited some of my great insight. I say "umm" quite a lot too. Gonna have to work on that.

  2. I know...I emitted some of your gems. I now know how to condense the files so no worries. Next up: post first round NFL and Rich Rod successor
